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Next generation ACl (2.x release)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:50 pm
by buzzzo

Is it planned some sort of "backward compatibility" of the new role based acl of 2.0 release ?

I think could be problematic for people who have setting up working acl with 1.x release to upgrade to 2.0 .

It would be better if some sort of "code freeze" of 1.9, so ones could continue to apply it on the next release of 2.4.x kernel .

I don't know if this is feasable ..... it's just a dream maybe ....


PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 1:48 pm
by spender
It will be easy to upgrade to 2.0. I'll write a script that will convert people's ACLs to the new format, and will give them the same functionality they had in 1.9.9.
