fatal: PRNG is not seeded

Discuss usability issues, general maintenance, and general support issues for a grsecurity-enabled system.

fatal: PRNG is not seeded

Postby Christopher von Nagy » Thu May 19, 2005 2:30 pm

After enabling grsec on a gentoo system and following a learning period involving multiple ssh logins, ssh now fails with the following error message:

fatal: PRNG is not seeded

The following are example subject entries generated by gradm's
learning mode

subject /usr/bin/ssh o {
/ h
/dev h
/dev/tty rw
/dev/urandom r
/etc r
/etc/ssh h
/etc/ssh/ssh_config r
/etc/grsec h
/etc/shadow h
/home h
/home/user_name_removed/.ssh/id_dsa r
/home/user_name_removed/.ssh/id_dsa.pub r
/home/user_name_removed/.ssh/known_hosts ra
/usr h
/usr/bin/ssh x
/usr/lib rx
/lib rx
bind dgram ip
connect XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/32:53 dgram udp
connect stream tcp

subject /usr/sbin/sshd o {
/ h
/bin h
/bin/bash x
/dev h
/dev/log rw
/dev/pts/2 rw
/dev/pts/6 rw
/dev/tty rw
/etc h
/etc/security/pam_env.conf r
/home h
bind disabled
connect disabled

If any one has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate them. If more details are required, I will gladly post them.

Thanks in advance,

Christopher von Nagy
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu May 19, 2005 2:16 pm

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